1.) I love when someone compliments someone else on their prom or wedding dress, especially when that person feels insecure in what she is wearing
2.) I love when trees are covered in ice so much they look like they could snap in half because they look so delicate
3.) I love when a boy cries because he knows who holds him
4.) I love when someone feels comfortable enough with you that they can tell you anything
5.) I love when an adult sees a shooting star and still makes a wish
6.) I love when adults are raking their yard and let their kids jump in the piles even though they will have to rake again
7.) I love when a little kid is concentrating so hard on making a wish while blowing out their candles because they really want it to come true
8.) I love seeing teenage boys still hold their moms hand in the store
9.) I love when families ice skating when it’s so cold their noses and cheeks are red
10.) I love when adults pushing their kids on a swing for the 500th time even though their arms are tired
11.) I love when families drive around looking at Christmas lights while singing Christmas carols
12.) I love when an old couple is holding hands and going for a walk or watching a movie together
13.) I love when a random person on an airplane falls asleep on a strangers shoulder and the stranger lets them
14.) I love when a child is lost and somebody helps them find his or her family
15.) I love when a song comes on the radio at the exact time you need to hear it
16.) I love when you are humming a song and then turn on the radio and it is playing
17.) I love the first day that Christmas songs come on the radio and everyone is binging
18.) I love when couples drive around aimlessly just to talk
19.) I love being surprised on a random day of the year by seeing people i miss
20.) I love when boys ask out the girl they like but get permission from her dad first
21.) I love sleeping in late and not getting in trouble
22.) I love doing a movie marathon and falling asleep in the middle of it
23.) I love when a guy is so nervous meeting her parents that he stumbles over his words because he doesn’t want to mess up in front of them
24.) I love exploring a new destination with someone you love
25.) I love when you look awful and a stranger compliments you
26.) I love staying up late with your nose in a good book under the covers
27.) I love exchanging stories with my family around the dinner table
28.) I love having a special family tradition during the holidays
29.) I love worship music
30.) I love harmonizing while singing
31.) I love when my parents and grandparents tell me stories about when they were younger
32.) I love looking through picture albums and having memories come back to you that you forgot about
33.) I love seeing the sunset over the ocean
34.) I love having deep conversations
35.) I love when you finally realize that you are in love with someone
36.) I love dancing in the rain
37.) I love finding a dress that fits me perfectly
38.) I love finding a pair of jeans that FIT
39.) I love being able to play any song I want to, when I want to, on an instrument I like to play
40.) I love knowing that I have family that loves and cares for me
41.) I love having ice cream in the middle of the night just because I want to
42.) I love baby ducks cuddling with their mom in the middle of a pond
43.) I love when a toddler has their first taste of cake
44.) I love when people use their talents for good purposes
45.) I love when a newborn baby curls their hand around your finger
46.) I love getting a letter in the mail from someone you haven’t talked to in a long time
46.) I love surpassing the expectations of someone
47.) I love a hot cup of tea with just the right amount of honey
48.) I love completing a puzzle with all of the pieces
49.) I love March 7th :)
50.) I love smiling at strangers just because i can
51.) i love watching YouTube videos of soldiers coming home
52.) I love piggyback rides when my legs are tired
53.) I love making a perfect snowman
54.) I love lowercase letters just because
55.) I love when a really bad book has a really good ending
56.) I love when one person in a classroom bursts out laughing in the silence during a test
57.) I love when someone farts in school and blames it on someone else even though everyone knows it was them
58.) I love when someone has a bunch of groceries but lets another person with few go in front of them
59.) I love when strangers pay for each other’s coffee
60.) I love hugs when I’m sad
61.) I love when young kids ask endless questions
62.) I love falling asleep as soon as I lay down
63.) I love when strangers leave coupons in the bathroom or at the checkout counter for you to find
64.) I love watching a movie so good you watch it again as soon as it is over
65.) I love laughing for absolutely no reason
66.) I love when girls pick each other up instead of tear each other down
67.) I love having good dreams all night long
68.) I love rewatching movies from your childhood
69.) I love taking off in an airplane and watching the world shrink down
70.) I love seeing an old friend after many years
71.) I love finding a new Netflix series to watch before bed every night
72.) I love having time to myself
73.) I love knowing that i can work and make money when I want to
74.) I love finding out that someone I love and care about is a Christian
75.) I love watching 90s movies at night with my dad
76.) I love looking up at night and not seeing where the sky begins and ends
77.) I love knowing that I am perfectly made
78.) I love knowing that there will be a rainbow after every storm
79.) I love Jesus forgiving me no matter what
80.) I love playing in the snow and then coming inside to a hot cup of cocoa
81.) I love when hard work pays off
82.) I love taking pictures in pretty places
83.) I love having an entire day to do nothing
84.) I love finally breaking my swim time after a year of work
85.) I love shooting a perfect 50
86.) I love looking at perfect lines of corn while I drive
87.) I love reading a fun book not for school
88.) I love drinking good tasting water with ice
89.) I love when a boy makes me laugh
90.) I love puppy kisses
91.) i love when everyone in a movie theatre laughs at the same time
92.) i love sleeping while cuddling a pillow
93.) i love reading a book for the hundredth time
94.) i love the ends of Disney movies when the princess has a happily ever after with her prince
95.) i love when friends try to cheer each other up
96.) i love a cold root beer float on a hot summers day
97.) i love long walks on the beach
98.) i love when you have a dream about someone and go crazy the next day trying to figure out why
99.) i love hugging someone you haven’t hugged in a long time
100.) i love when someone passes you on a highway because they are speeding but you both stop at the same red light right next to each other because it makes me laugh
101.) i love knowing that i am going to go to Heaven and be with Jesus one day.