I'm happy to be here because I know I'm not here by mistake. wherever "here" is. sometimes "here" is in a coffee shop, cramming out assignments i forgot. sometimes "here" is with my cousins, hugging them as they shed tears because their hearts are heavy. sometimes "here" is cheering on my friends as they enter their new stages of life and move on from where i am.
"Here" includes school as this new season is coming around. many of us are going back to some type of school for these next nine months. many times school can be hard. it might be the classes you are taking, the people you are with, or the rules you have to follow. whether school has already started for you or you don't go back for a couple weeks remember that school is a unique time God has given you to love on others and be an example to them! now might be the only time that you will ever see the people you see. in your classes, out for lunch, at sports practices and games remember that you are there for a reason. this season in life might seem sucky or stupid but it is purposeful and you are here in the middle (or beginning) of it for a reason! Be happy to be where you are!
So yes, let's be happy to be here. happy to be right where our feet are. we aren't boasting about tomorrow or regretting yesterday. right here, right now is where God has us and we won't move until He tells us to.