If you can't tell, I have a huge passion for showing people the ways I don't measure up. I fail so, so much, and I let my failures define me so often. I get so ashamed, and wear my sins as my identity, and don't want to face God. He knows about your sins whether you face Him or not. He loves you, despite your sins, whether you turn to Him or not. He will forgive you of your sins if you just ask Him. I know it seems impossible (and I'm speaking to myself here bc I'm stuck in a pit of feeling unworthy to turn to Him) but it will be even just slightly less scary if you give it to God.
You are not your sins. You are Gods child. You are loved beyond measure. He knew the sins you were going to commit when he created you, so nothing you do is need to Him. He knows how to get you out, and maybe He is leaving you there for a while so you can learn something.
Don't let your sins be your identity. If we were holy, there would be no need for a holy God.
instagram: @joycomesinthemorning305