Fear not. Don't be afraid. Do not be anxious. There is no fear in love. Do not fear. do not worry. I will not fear.
the things i just listed are parts of verses from the Bible. combined, these phrases are written over 365 times!
that is a daily reminder from God to us to "fear not".
everyone has things that make them scared, nervous or afraid. one thing that i'm scared of is spiders. i cannot stand seeing or being near them. they are so tiny and yet so terrifying (to me)! another thing that shakes me up is thinking that there is someone else in my house when i'm home alone.
these thoughts and feelings come from satan. he scares us! there is no reason for me to be afraid of a simple spider (unless it is extremely poisonous) but yet i still am. satan plants thoughts into your mind to make you scared of the amazing and beautiful things that God has created for us!
maybe you are afraid of heights. that is definitely not a bad thing! but think about all of the amazing views that you are going to miss out on during your lifetime. now i'm not saying to go climb up on your roof and watch the sun set tonight because that could cause some major problems. but you can take it one step at a time, each day trying something new.