He doesn't have to save us. He didn't have to provide a way for us to be with Him. But because of His never-ending, unfailing love, He did. He gave us Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, an example of perfect love. And on the third day, Jesus rose. He conquered death. HE is the ONLY way, the ONLY truth, and the ONLY life! do you believe that? do you believe that even thought you may have done terrible things - things that you feel are unforgivable, that through it all He still loves you? It's true. do you want to know how i know that? i know that He loves you because He gave you the breath to be alive today, the sight to read this today, the chance to accept Him. to accept His free gift. if you have never done that before i would love to talk to you more about this amazing Love. dm me anytime. Jesus loves you. I love you. you can be forgiven.
Hallelujah, He is risen!!!!!