This is what the Bible states as some of women's role in society:
* a good wife and mother
(Titus 2:4)
* self-controlled and pure
(Titus 2:5)
* a gentle and quiet spirit
(1 Peter 3:4)
* clothed with strength and dignity (Proverbs. 31:25)
* speaks wisdom
(Proverbs .31:26)
* submitted to their husbands
(Ephesians 5:24)
* modest
(1 Tim. 2:9)
I'm going to bet if you're anything like me, you got a bit upset over a few of those lines, because who wants to be "less important" as their husband? Later in that verse it states that men, in the same way, need to love their wives as themselves. It may be a bit triggering to hear that women have to submit, while husbands just have to love.
The fact that women have to submit, does not mean they are any less important. We all have roles to play, and special gifting makes specifically for our God given purpose. The man is the head of the household, yes, the same way that God is the head of the church. The women submit to their husband, yes, the same way that the husband submits to God in the church.
Men are called to an equally high standard, the responsibility for their households well-being falls on them. The church lead roles fall on them. They are called to love their wives as themselves.
God didn't create marriage to be two leaders who constantly are at war. God created a perfect unison of a man who is devoted to Christ, and who loves his wife the same that he loves himself. Ultimately the responsibility falls on him, but that does not give him power over his wife, he just is held accountable. Women are called to submit to their husbands, by acknowledging that her husband will be the one held accountable, therefore his input does matter. This DOES NOT make women weak, or less valuable, it just plays into Gods perfect idea of marriage.
God created us all equal, and perfect I'm His sight, with special and unique gifting that we can lean on to further the gospel!
December 1, 2021
instagram: @joycomesinthemorning305